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Plant Offerings

Sunset Valley Orchids 2024-2025 Catasetinae Plant Offering

For 2024-25, I am pleased to offer this comprehensive selection of Catasetinae hybrids and species. Through the ongoing process of collecting, selecting, and developing our parental lines, the quality of the breeding stock is now without comparison. These new hybrids will set the standard for flower quality, plant vigor, and your enjoyment.

This season we have focused on five areas:

Species:  We have been collecting and selecting the finest species for many years. Breeding sexually dimorphic orchids is challenging. This year’s list is impressive. 

Cycnoches: The elegant swan-shaped blooms of Cycnoches are simply breathtaking. Our Cycnoches breeding program has reached new heights, and this year’s offering has brought together the results of evaluating 100’s of potential parents and selecting for plant vigor and excellent flower color and quality. These new crosses will grow fast and reach blooming size in 3” pots. This is the year to ‘stock up on these’ - it’s a truly spectacular offering.

Mini-Catasetum: The success of “mini-Catasetum” crosses and positive feedback by collectors have inspired us to step up the development in this category. Besides being compact growers, these plants consistently flower 2-4 times a year! This new list is by far the deepest and broadest we have offered, and there are many promising new crosses to select from.

Mormodes: Commonly called the goblin orchid, this genus has been getting lots of attention from my toothpick! These are the some of the last Catasetinae to bloom each season, and they look fantastic with their bare bulbs and upright spikes of strange-shaped flowers in fantastic colors! These new crosses are super exciting, and I can hardly manage my anticipation while waiting to see these bloom.

Clowesia: The benefits Clowesia brings to its offspring are surprising: flower longevity, reduced plant size, fragrance, multiple cascading inflorescences, full flower shape and more. We are capitalizing on these benefits in a wide variety of crosses. How many of you have wanted a Cl. Rebecca Northen or Cl. Grace Dunn?  These are now available, and we have both a sibling cross and a remake of the original cross. Get them now! 

SVO 10601        
Fdk. NEW HYBRID (Fdk. Extra Points 'Green Green' x Ctsm. expansum 'SVO Midori' AM/AOS)

Our friend Hisa Sugiyama at Yamamoto Noen Orchids in Japan suggested the cross name of “Extra Points”, and we loved it! Here is why: Fdk. Turning Point is a cross of (Mo. Lime Tiger x Ctsm. expansum). Fdk. Extra Points adds back another dose of expansum (Fdk. Turning Point x  Ctsm. expansum) - it's got extra points!  So, what would you name his new hybrid with yet another dose of expansum?   Double Points?  Triple Points?  Overtime Points? This cross is aiming for elusive dark jade green flower colors. These will have large full lips and long-lasting blooms.
3” pots $20

Fdk. Extra Points 'Green Green'

Ctsm. expansum 'SVO Midori' AM/AOS



SVO 10711        
Clo. NEW HYBRID (Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. Norm Tupper 'SVO Snow Leopard')

Grace Dunn (Cl. warczewitzii x Cl. rosea) blooms from leafless bulbs in mid-winter and carries 15+ solid pink and green lemon-scented flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences. Norm Tupper (Ctsm. Portagee Star x Ctsm. tigrinum) has fabulous white flowers peppered with red spots and a pure white fimbriated lip. This is a super cool cross! We expect long-lasting shapely white to soft pink flowers with fine red spotting from small plants blooming in the fall and early winter. 
3” pots $20

Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS

Ctsm. Norm Tupper 'SVO Snow Leopard'



SVO 11057        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Hoorah' x Ctsm. John C. Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS)

Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) 'Hoorah' has red flowers with yellow lips blotched in red. Ctsm. John C. Burchett (João Stivalli x Susan Fuchs) is a spectacular hybrid. The huge, flat, nearly black lip of the cultivar 'Ursa Major' really impressed the judges, and this plant received a First Class Certificate (FCC/AOS) for Ryan Kowalczyk. 'Ursa Major' blooms 2-3 times a year. With this hybrid we are combining a mini with a standard sized Catasetum looking for smaller plants with large flowers. The flower color will be in dark burgundy reds, with broad flat lips, some with spotting. Expect excellent arrangement from plants that bloom 2-3 times a year.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Hoorah'

Ctsm. John C. Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS



SVO 11058        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow' x Ctsm. Mem. Dorothy Wells 'Honey Tree')

The flowers of Ctsm. Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) come in many different colors, but one of the most beautiful is 'Summer Snow' with its perfectly-arranged, pure white flowers with a slight peppering of red on the petals. This outstanding mini-Catasetum blooms 3-4 times a season! Mem. Dorothy Wells (Ctsm. Dentigrianum x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor) 'Honey Tree' was recently awarded, and we renamed the plant 'SVO' AM/AOS as seen in the photo. It has exceptional flowers, beautifully arranged in an amazing color combination of pure white with a yellow lip. This cross is aiming to advance the white flower with yellow lip color combination. Many of these will bloom as predicted; however, some will have fine red spots, others will be blotched in red, and a few might even come out in solid colors. All will have 15-25 well-arranged flowers of excellent shape blooming 2-3 times a year.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow'

Ctsm. Mem. Dorothy Wells 'Honey Tree'



SVO 11060        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL' x Ctsm. Fonseca Alfaro 'SVO')

Ctsm. Double Down (Ctsm. Chuck Taylor x Ctsm. kleberianum) 'BPYL' is named for its Black Petals and  Yellow Lip, Its excellent color plus 15-17 flowers on a stem twice a year make this a good candidate as a parent. Fonseca Alfaro (Ctsm. Dentigrianum x Ctsm. tenebrosum) also has a yellow lip with dark petals and sepals - we love this contrasting color combination! With this cross we will further develop the potential to have flowers with black petals and sepals with yellow lips. Along with the amazing color, expect flowers of excellent shape, flat lips, and 15-20 blooms per stem several times a year. 
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL'

Ctsm. Fonseca Alfaro 'SVO'



SVO 11061        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellence' x Ctsm. Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson's Sunrise' HCC/AOS)

Ctsm. Dentigrianum (denticulatum x tigrinum) was a breakthrough in mini-Catasetum breeding, what this primary hybrid lacks in genealogical complexity it makes up for in charm.  With beautifully formed flowers in white, uniformly spotted with burgundy, and a soft yellow lip with a dentate margin. There have been many successful hybrids from Ctsm. Portagee Star (Ctsm. pileatum x Ctsm. Black Knight). It breeds offspring with large, flat lips and very full overall shape. This cross will make compact plants that should bloom 2-3 times per season, and the flower colors will range from yellow to darkly spotted.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellence'

Ctsm. Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson's Sunrise' HCC/AOS



SVO 11064
Ctsm. Maquiabelo (Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Ed #2' AM/AOS x Ctsm. ivaneae 'Aceitunas Negra')
Ctsm. tenebrosum is one of the first Catasetums to bloom each season, and ivaneae is one of the last. This cultivar 'Ed #2' is one of the ancestral plants that we used to produce Fdk. After Dark, contributing excellent color, shape, and flower count. Catasetum ivaneae is a new addition to our breeding program. It's an impressive species: the small plants produce a tightly clustered inflorescence of 40 or more amazing, purple-spotted flowers, which are perfectly arranged. This cross will produce dark flowers with many blooms on each stem. Ctsm. ivaneae hybrids have such exciting potential! For us, this is one of those “I can't wait to see it bloom” crosses. This was recently registered by Juan Fernández Gómez, a great Catasetum grower in Brazil.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Ed #2' AM/AOS

Ctsm. ivaneae 'Aceitunas Negra'



SVO 11065        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Donna Wise 'Lee' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. John C. Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS)

We expect Ctsm. Donna Wise (Ctsm. Orchidglade x Ctsm. tenebrosum) and Ctsm. John C. Burchett (Ctsm. João Stivalli x Ctsm. Susan Fuchs) to combine in spectacular fashion! The offspring will have impressive lips that are large, flat, and nearly black, and there will be 12-14 large flowers in rich dark burgundy. This is an impressive example of modern advanced pileatum/expansum breeding.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Donna Wise 'Lee' HCC/AOS

Ctsm. John C. Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS



SVO 11067        
Ctsm. Dreamboat (Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons' x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine')

We first offered this successful hybrid in 2015. Ctsm. Penang (Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. pileatum) is responsible for producing some very successful mini-Catasetum hybrids. We predicted that crossing it with Ctsm. Chuck Taylor (Portagee Star x denticulatum) would give excellent results, and the first batch of Ctsm. Dreamboats confirmed our expectations. Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons' can bloom with more than 20 large yellow flowers, and Chuck Taylor has beautiful flower color and blooms 2-3 times each season. With this hybrid, we expect large flower size with only a modest increase in plant size. Flowers will have wide, full lips and bloom 2-3 times a season, with flowers that will range from yellow to yellow and pink, with a few in burgundy. This is a very robust growing cross with superior vigor.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons'

Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine'



SVO 11068
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons' x Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'Love This Flower')

Penang (Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. pileatum) is responsible for producing some very successful mini-Catasetum hybrids, and 'Doubloons' can bloom with more than 20 large yellow flowers in a nearly perfect arrangement several times a season. Ctsm. Dentigrianum (denticulatum x tigrinum) is a breakthrough in mini-Catasetum breeding. It's a primary hybrid with considerable charm. The flowers have excellent shape and color and are produced profusely. Each inflorescence holds 30+ well-arranged blooms, and plants flower reliably several times per season. These will be mini-Catasetum plants. Flowers will be spotted in most cases, some in solid colors, and most will have yellow lips. This is a top quality cross.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons'

Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'Love This Flower'



SVO 11082        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow' x Ctsm. (Dentigrianum x tigrinum) 'Bold Spots')

The flowers of Ctsm. Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) come in many different colors, but one of the most beautiful is 'Summer Snow' with its perfectly-arranged, pure white flowers with a slight peppering of red on the petals. This outstanding mini-Catasetum blooms 3-4 times a season! The yet-to-be-registered Ctsm. (Dentigrianum x tigrinum) 'Bold Spots' is one our favorite new hybrids, and we had to try it with the proven breeding qualities of Melana Davison. The expectation is for shapely flowers in white with well-defined dark burgundy spotting, and some flowers will even have yellow lips. This is a new color pattern for a mini-Catasetum.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow'

Ctsm. (Dentigrianum x tigrinum) 'Bold Spots'



SVO 11083        
Cl. russelliana (Cl.  russelliana 'SVO' x Cl. russelliana 'David N')

Cl. russelliana produces the largest flowers in the genus. This species is also exceptionally floriferous, and mature plants can produce 2 or 3 inflorescences per bulb, each carrying up to 40-45 flowers! This native of southern Mexico blooms in the early summer with light green flowers striped in dark green. As a bonus, the fragrance is magnificent! The parents used here are of superior quality. Not often seen for sale - these will go quickly. A great addition to your collection.
3” pots $25

Cl.  russelliana 'SVO'

Cl. russelliana 'David N'



SVO 11085        
Clo. NEW HYBRID (Clo. Cheryl Erins 'SVO' x Ctsm. Melana Davison 'SVO' AM/AOS)

We are very happy with Clo. Cheryl Erins (Cl. russelliana x Ctsm. tigrinum): the flowers are pure white with dark pink speckling, and it is very, very floriferous, carrying over 30 flowers on each inflorescence!    Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) has been a successful mini-Catasetum hybrid with many outstanding cultivars. It is also a proven breeder. The cultivar 'SVO' has perfectly-arranged red spotted flowers with a pure white dentate lip, and the plants bloom 3-4 times a season! This combination is all about breeding for red spotted flowers and white lip color. But wait, there's more! Also expect 2-3 inflorescences per bulb with 20+ flowers each and a flower longevity of 3 weeks on a mini-Clowesetum plant! This is a very promising hybrid.
3” pots $20

Clo. Cheryl Erins 'SVO'

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'SVO' AM/AOS



SVO 11086        
Ctmds. NEW HYBRID (Ctmds. Dragons Tail 'Dark Tale' x Ctsm. Susan Fuchs 'Burgundy Chips' FCC/AOS)

Dragons Tail (Morm. lawrenceana x Ctsm. denticulatum) has small flowers with amazing color, reminding me of the scales of a mythical dragon. At first, I was reluctant to use it in breeding, as the plant was large and not proportional to the size of the flowers. That said, the way to a breakthrough is to try something new. I made two test crosses: Ctmds. Dragons Glade (Ctmds. Dragons Tail x Ctsm. Orchidglade) and Ctmds. Darkonium (Ctmds. Dragons Tail x Ctsm. John C. Burchett). To my delight, the qualities of the resulting offspring were far beyond the previous scope of Catasetinae breeding. Flower colors ranged from black to spotted to purple to yellow. All had broad, flat lips, flowers lasted an impressive 3-4 weeks, and each inflorescence carried 15 or more large, well-arranged flowers. When the plants matured, they started blooming in July and continued to produce new flowers throughout the growing season into winter. Mature plants flower 4-5 times a year and are in nearly continuous bloom for 5-6 months! Do I sound enthused? With this next cross, we selected the well-known Ctsm. Susan Fuchs (Ctsm. Orchidglade x Ctsm. expansum) with its yellow flowers and bold burgundy spotting. This plant has been a cornerstone of my breeding program, producing many successful hybrids. This will be a great hybrid. We expect award-quality flowers with dark petals and sepals and yellow lips that all will be boldly spotted.  Some could even come out black. Yes, black. These will be excellent!!!        
3” pots $35

Ctmds. Dragons Tail 'Dark Tale'

Ctsm. Susan Fuchs 'Burgundy Chips' FCC/AOS



SVO 11088        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow' x Ctsm. Norm Tupper 'SVO Snow Leopard')

We admire the attractive combination of flower colors in these two parents. This cultivar of Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) is one of the most beautiful, with perfectly-arranged pure white flowers with a slight peppering of red on the petals. Norm Tupper (Ctsm. Portagee Star x Ctsm. tigrinum) has fabulous white flowers peppered with red spots and a pure white fimbriated lip. This cross is all about improving the white flowers with red spots color combination, flower shape and arrangement, and frequency of blooming. These are mini-Catasetums.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow'

Ctsm. Norm Tupper 'SVO Snow Leopard'



SVO 11089        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. pileatum v. imperiale 'Pierre Couret' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine')

This Ctsm. pileatum var. imperiale was named to honor Pierre Couret, one of the founders of the Venezuela Orchid Society in Caracas. He was responsible for having this plant cloned, and thus this rare color form is available for us to enjoy and breed with. Chuck Taylor (denticulatum x Portagee Star) 'SVO Sunshine' has the most beautiful yellow lip and has been a good parent, giving rise to several nice crosses. Here we are breeding the large plant and huge red flowers of pileatum to a mini-Catasetum. With this grex we anticipate an improvement in overall flower size and only a modest increase in plant size compared to the mini-Catasetum. Flower colors will be red to pink (yes, pink) with large broad lips.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. pileatum v. imperiale 'Pierre Couret' HCC/AOS

Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine'



SVO 11099  
Ctmds. NEW HYBRID (Ctmds. Dragons Glade 'Golden Scales' x Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons')

This cross has the potential to produce yellow flower colors, a rarity for Catamodes hybrids and a new breeding direction. This cultivar of Dragons Glade (Ctmds. Dragons Tail x Ctsm. Orchidglade) has excellent flowers with a predominantly yellow base color overlaid with red spotting. Penang (Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. pileatum) is responsible for producing some very successful hybrids. The cultivar 'Doubloons' flowers with more than 20 large, yellow flowers with nearly perfect arrangement, and it does so several times a season. In this cross, the use of Penang will increase flower size and shape, in addition to reinforcing the yellow color.  The flower count will be 20+, plants will bloom 2-3 times a season, and flower longevity will approach 5 weeks! If you love Catasetinae hybrids as much as I do, this cross will set a new standard of quality in your collection.
3” pots $35

Ctmds. Dragons Glade 'Golden Scales'

Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons'



SVO 11106        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO' x Ctsm. Lata Laxman 'SVO' AM/AOS)

Richard Fulford (Orchidglade x lucis) is a new breeding direction, capitalizing on the attributes of the rare species Ctsm. lucis 3214. Ctsm. lucis is a large-growing species that produces 15-20 green and white flowers held high above the foliage on sturdy, three-foot upright inflorescences. The flowers produced by the grex Richard Fulford have exceeded expectations, as evidenced by the two FCC/AOS and four AM/AOS awards. Don't take my word for it - take a look at this photo of Richard Fulford 'SVO' and note the outstanding flower color and size and the sturdy stem.  Just as impressive is Lata Laxman (Ctsm. Frilly Doris x Ctsm. José Abalo), which blooms with strong stems of 15 or more, large heavy flowers. This  cross is a breeding direction we have been pursuing for some time: plants with straight, upright  inflorescences. We believe the ancestry of this grex creates the potential to achieve this goal. These will be large, robust plants. The thick flower stems will be upright and arched due to the flower weight, and staking early will help the inflorescence harden in an upright position, displaying the flowers well above the foliage. Flowers will be yellow and spotted with heavy substance. Mature plants will be exceptionally nice.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO'

Ctsm. Lata Laxman 'SVO' AM/AOS



SVO 11107        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Foxtail' x Ctsm. Dark Odyssey 'SVO Dark Night')

Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) 'Foxtail' blooms with 23-25 perfectly arranged, dark red blooms with just bit of yellow showing through the lip. Dark Odyssey (Ctsm. Karen Armstrong x Ctsm. Darkness) carries 18-20 well-arranged large, deep burgundy red flowers with broad flat lips. With this cross, we will achieve the goal of developing dark red flower colors and flattened lips. The 20+ flowers will be arranged perfectly and produced a couple times a year.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Foxtail'

Ctsm. Dark Odyssey 'SVO Dark Night'



SVO 11108        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. sanguineum 'Monkey Face' x Ctsm. spitzii 'Red 48')

Ctsm. sanguineum is native to Venezuela, and the name of this species refers to the blood-like “sanguine” coloration of the flowers in some cultivars. This species produces straight, upright inflorescences with as many as 16 flowers in October and November. Plants are sturdy, robust growers. The flower shape is quite unusual - take a good look at the photo. Can you see the monkey face? Ctsm. spitzii is one of the last Catasetum species of the year to flower, and it does so with one of the most impressive displays. The arching inflorescences are very sturdy, carrying many well-displayed flowers. As its name suggests, the cultivar 'Red 48' has red flowers and carries up to 48 blooms on a single inflorescence. This is a primary hybrid, a cross between two species. Each parental species will contribute about 50% of its genetic material to the offspring, and we expect plants to have strong upright arching inflorescences of 25 well-arranged flowers in red colors with spots.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. sanguineum 'Monkey Face'

Ctsm. spitzii 'Red 48'



SVO 11109        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. tigrinum 'Wyche' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. expansum 'Super Flat Lip')

Ctsm. tigrinum is a very special species: small-growing and flowering several times a season with cascading inflorescences that each hold 15-30 white-cream blooms spotted lightly in red on the petals and sepals. Equally important are the shape and placement of its wide petals, which fill the space between the dorsal and lateral sepals, creating a full-shaped flower. This is a great characteristic, which is transmitted to its offspring and very valuable in hybridizing. Ctsm. expansum is named for its large, expanded lip. The cultivar 'Super Flat Lip' has excellent flower size and count and is the result of several generations of line breeding. This cross has a huge upside, as the tigrinum will widen the petals, filling the gaps between the dorsal and lip, and the expansum will add its large flower size and lip qualities. Flower color will be white to light green, many spotted in burgundy, and both parents will ensure high flower count, good arrangement, and multiple bloomings per season.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. tigrinum 'Wyche' HCC/AOS

Ctsm. expansum 'Super Flat Lip'



SVO 11112        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'Very Nice' x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine')

Ctsm. Dentigrianum (denticulatum x tigrinum) is a breakthrough in mini-Catasetum breeding. It's a primary hybrid, but what it lacks in genealogical complexity it makes up for in charm and shape, with beautifully formed flowers in white, uniformly spotted with burgundy, and a soft yellow lip with a dentate margin. Chuck Taylor (denticulatum x Portagee Star) was a match made in heaven, and this cross resulted in many great plants. 'SVO Sunshine' has the most beautiful yellow lip and has been a solid parent, giving rise to several nice crosses so far. Since both parents are mini-Catasetums, the plants will stay under 6” tall, produce 20 or more flowers per inflorescence, and bloom 2-3 times a season. Flowers will have excellent shape, and colors will be light yellow with varying densities of dark burgundy spots and lips in shades of yellow.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'Very Nice'

Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine'



SVO 11120        
Ctsm. Diana's Dots (Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'SVO' x Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'Bold Spots')

We were so impressed by the flower qualities of Ctsm. Diana's Dots (Ctsm. tigrinum x Ctsm. Orchidglade) that we decided to make a sibling cross. These are our two best Ctsm. Diana's Dots. Both bloom multiple times each season and have excellent flower size, shape, color, and count. Sib crosses tend to produce new and different color combinations, and we are very excited about these.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'SVO'

Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'Bold Spots'



SVO 11122        
Clo. Takarazuka White (Clo. Black Jade 'Green' x Ctsm. pileatum f. alba 'Snow White' FCC/AOS)

Black Jade's name is deceptive, as its flower color is a dark green. This primary hybrid (Cl. russelliana x Ctsm. expansum) produces 25 or more flowers on a long inflorescence. Ctsm. pileatum 'Snow White' is remarkable. When it flowers in top condition there are 25 pure white, very shapely flowers per stem. This cross was made to reinforce high flower count, and we expect 20 flowers or more on each inflorescence. Flowers will be large in colors ranging from green to white. There is a tremendous potential for spectacular results with this cross! Check out this PHOTO from Hisa Sugiyama who flowered a nice example of this cross.
3” pots  $20

Clo. Black Jade 'Green'

Ctsm. pileatum f. alba 'Snow White' FCC/AOS



SVO 11124        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. sanguineum 'Xlnt Shape' x Ctsm. albo-virens 'SVO')

The name of Ctsm. sanguineum refers to the blood-like “sanguine” coloration of the flowers. This species produces straight, upright inflorescences with as many as 16 flowers, and the plants are sturdy, robust growers. Ctsm. albo-virens is a miniature Catasetum species with a straight upright flower stem! Can you envision where I am going with this cross?  How about a totally new type of breeding? These will be small plants with straight upright inflorescences of 20 alien-shaped light green flowers with burgundy spots. Very cool!
3” pots $20

Ctsm. sanguineum 'Xlnt Shape'

Ctsm. albo-virens 'SVO'



SVO 11135        
Clo. NEW HYBRID (Clo. Cheryl Erins 'SVO II' x Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'SVO' HCC/AOS)

Cheryl Erins (Cl. russelliana x Ctsm. tigrinum) produces pure white flowers with dark pink speckling and is very, very floriferous, with over 30 flowers on each inflorescence! You can tell we are very pleased with the breeding qualities of Ctsm. Dentigrianum (denticulatum x tigrinum). In this list it's used in 12 crosses!  This is an excellent mini-Catasetum carrying beautifully-formed flowers in white, spotted burgundy, with yellow lips. In this cross there is a doubling up on the influence of Ctsm. tigrinum from both sides of the cross. We believe this is important, as the wide petals of tigrinum will improve the overall shape of the flowers. We expect full-shaped flowers with wide petals in white, spotted red, and multiple inflorescences of 20+ flowers produced twice a season. These are going to be good!
3” pots $20

Clo. Cheryl Erins 'SVO II'

Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'SVO' HCC/AOS



SVO 11144
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Hoorah'x Ctsm. Extravaganza 'Killer Lips')

Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) 'Hoorah' has deep red flowers with yellow lips blotched in red. Extravaganza (Karen Armstrong x Louise Clarke) represents the second generation of mini-Catasetum breeding, and the cultivar 'Killer Lips' has a particularly large, dark-colored flower and a surprisingly colorful lip. This cross is now the third generation of mini-Catasetum breeding at SVO. These will be small plants, maturing at 5-7” tall, and free flowering with 2-3 inflorescences per season. Flowers will be large in colors of bold burgundy with spotting and blotching. Everyone has room for some of these!!
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Hoorah'

Ctsm. Extravaganza 'Killer Lips'



SVO 11145        
Morm. NEW HYBRID (Morm. Nitty-Gritty 'SVO II' x Morm. Jumbo Bacia 'SVO' AM/AOS)

The late season flowering of Mormodes signals that winter is nearly here, and the bizarre colors, twisted flowers, and spicy fragrance are a welcome sight before winter arrives. The large flowers of Nitty-Gritty (Exotic Treat x rolfeana) are dark orange and densely spotted with burgundy spots. Nitty-Gritty is a highly advanced Mormodes hybrid and (unlike the species Mormodes) easy to grow. Jumbo Bacia (Morm. badia x Morm. uncia) 'SVO' is surprisingly floriferous, holding up to 37 dark maroon-red flowers with red lips on each of the two inflorescences per bulb. The plants of this new hybrid are growing really well and will produce 25-30 fragrant flowers on each of the 2-3 inflorescences per bulb when mature. Flower colors will be mostly reds, and some will come out heavily spotted. This is a highly advanced Mormodes hybrid and exhibits hybrid vigor. These grow just like Catasetums. If you have not tried growing Mormodes, this is a great starting point.
3” pots $20

Morm. Nitty-Gritty 'SVO II'

Morm. Jumbo Bacia 'SVO' AM/AOS



SVO 11149        
Cyc. NEW HYBRID (Cyc. Melana's Swan 'SVO Dark Wings' x Cyc. (Dark Swan x Providence) 'Chocolate')

Cyc. Melana's Swan (Cyc. warscewiczii x Cyc. Dark Swan) has a large flower due to the high percentage of Cyc. warscewiczii genes in its background. The flower color of 'SVO Dark Wings' is spectacular, with petals in solid dark burgundy, deeply spotted dorsal & lateral sepals, and a contrasting white lip! The not-yet-registered (Cyc. Dark Swan x Cyc. Providence) 'Burgundy Lake' is also spectacular, with petals in solid dark burgundy and a contrasting white lip with burgundy spots! This cross will give us large flowers with 12-15 blooms per inflorescence, shield-shaped lips, and flower colors in dark chocolate. Some might even be the elusive black.   
3” pots $20

Cyc. Melana's Swan 'SVO Dark Wings'

Cyc. (Dark Swan x Providence) 'Chocolate'



SVO 11150        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons' x Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO')

Penang (Ctsm. Susan Fuchs x Ctsm. pileatum) 'Doubloons' flowers with 20 large yellow flowers in a nearly perfect arrangement and does so several times a season. Richard Fulford (Orchidglade x lucis) is a new breeding direction, capitalizing on the attributes of the rare species Ctsm. lucis. Ctsm. lucis is a large plant that produces 15-20 green and white flowers held high above the foliage on sturdy, three-foot upright inflorescences. The flower quality produced by the grex Richard Fulford has exceeded expectations, as evidenced by the two FCC/AOS and four AM/AOS awards. Don't take my word for it - take a look at this photo of Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO' and its outstanding flower color, size, and presentation. We have wanted to do more breeding with Richard Fulford, and this cross brings together several key factors: large flower size, bright yellow colors, high flower count, and a robust plant growth habit, These will be impressive when fully mature!
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons'

Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO'



SVO 11155 
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. semicirculatum '32' x Ctsm. gladiatorium 'SVO 35')

This is a novelty hybrid designed to produce many, and I mean many, flowers. I won't be surprised if there are 35 or more flowers on each two-foot-long inflorescence. The spotted flowers will have exotic lip structures and be very easy to grow and bloom. This is a super different style of breeding for us, and a fun one to experiment with.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. semicirculatum '32'

Ctsm. gladiatorium 'SVO 35'



SVO 11157        
Ctsm. denticulatum (Ctsm. denticulatum 'SVO' AM/AOS x Ctsm. denticulatum 'SVO II' AM/AOS)

I can hardly believe it's been seven years since we last offered this species. You just can't predict when both male and female flowers will be in bloom at the same time! This is a pairing between the two best cultivars of this delightful compact-growing species. Both parents are excellent growers and flower 3-4 times a year as mature plants. Better get these now - who knows when one will flower female again?!
3” pots $30

Ctsm. denticulatum 'SVO' AM/AOS

Ctsm. denticulatum 'SVO II' AM/AOS



SVO 11163        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO' x (Ctsm. Fong Cing x Ctsm. Richard Fulford) 'Best')

Richard Fulford (Orchidglade x lucis) capitalizes on the attributes of the rare species Ctsm. lucis, a large-growing species that produces 15-20 green and white flowers held high above the foliage on sturdy, three-foot upright inflorescences. Richard Fulford has produced excellent flowers, as evidenced by the two FCC/AOS and four AM/AOS awards to date. Check out this photo of Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO'. The unregistered (Ctsm. Fong Cing x Ctsm. Richard Fulford) 'Best' really got our attention when it first bloomed. The flower quality was fantastic, and the inflorescences are upright thanks to the influence of Ctsm. sanguineum from Fong Cing (Ctsm. Orchidglade x Ctsm. sanguineum). We have been thinking about making this cross for several years but had to wait for female flowers to appear.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Richard Fulford 'SVO'

(Ctsm. Fong Cing x Ctsm. Richard Fulford) 'Best')



SVO 11165        
Ctsm. pileatum (Ctsm. pileatum 'SVO Independence' x Ctsm. pileatum 'Dinner Plate')

We were a bit  surprised this year by all the female Ctsm. pileatum flowers! Excited by this unusual phenomenon, we made multiple outcrosses with different cultivars of this desirable species. Both of these varieties of pileatum have been in our collection for years. 'SVO Independence' blooms reliably on the 4th of July, and 'Dinner Plate' has an impressive lip. Both produce 13-15 flowers twice a year. It's hard to believe this is the first time we have been able to cross these two fine examples of pileatum.
3” pots $25

Ctsm. pileatum 'SVO Independence'

Ctsm. pileatum 'Dinner Plate'



SVO 11168        
Ctmds. NEW HYBRID (Morm. badia 'SVO Yellow' x Ctsm. lucis 'SVO')

For the second time this season we were fortunate with a Catamodes cross, as these rarely yield viable seed.  Morm. badia is one of the easiest Mormodes species to grow and bloom. Plants flowers with 2-3 inflorescences of 20 or more bright yellow flowers, and the lips are broad and flat, not recurved and saddle shaped as in so many Mormodes. Ctsm. lucis is known for its green flowers presented well on upright inflorescence of 15+ flowers. We know that Mormodes are dominant for flower color and recessive for shape, and Catasetums will pass on flower shape and a sturdy stem. Here we are predicting upright inflorescences of 15 or more yellow flowers with excellent lasting qualities. This is the leading edge in breeding at SVO.
3” pots $20

Morm. badia 'SVO Yellow'

Ctsm. lucis 'SVO'



SVO 11173        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Bomb Shell' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS)

The 'Bomb Shell' cultivar of Melana Davison (Ctsm. denticulatum x Ctsm. Penang) has a great color pattern. The burgundy color and contrasting white lip spotted in burgundy make a great combination. The other parent, Ctsm. Orchidglade Ctsm. pileatum x Ctsm. expansum), is a trusted breeding plant that has been proven many times over to impart lots of large, well-shaped, spotted flowers, produced several times a season, along with its excellent growth habit. The offspring of this mating will have large spotted flowers, produced from compact plants that bloom 2-3 times a year.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Bomb Shell'

Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS



SVO 11178        
Mo. NEW HYBRID (Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Morm. rosea 'SVO')

Cl. Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) 'Live Oak' produces 15 fragrant pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from each leafless bulb in mid-winter. A single pseudobulb of Morm. rosea can produce 8 inflorescences carrying 25 flowers each for a total of 200 flowers. Now *that* is impressive!! In Mormodia breeding, the Mormodes is dominant for color and the Clowesia for shape, and this will result in the flowers of this cross being pink. Mature plants will flower with an impressive 5-6 inflorescences per bulb and 15+ flowers on each, a very floriferous grex. As with all Mormodias they will bloom in December with long-lived flowers.
3” pots $20

Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS

Morm. rosea 'SVO'



SVO 11254        
Fdk. NEW HYBRID (Mo. Painted Desert 'SVO' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy')

Mo. Painted Desert (Cl. Rebecca Northen x Morm. sinuata) is the parent of the world-famous Fdk. After Dark. The influence of Mormodia (Mo.) in breeding is well known, because it conveys flower color, multiple pendulous inflorescences, and flower longevity to its offspring. Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy' is amazing: the dense clusters of 40 perfectly-arranged flowers are truly spectacular. This pairing makes the hybrid genus Fredclarkeara (Fdk.). One of the unique attributes of Fdk. hybrids is the flower longevity: expect flowers to last 4 weeks or more! Painted Desert is dominant for flower color, and ivaneae will add its dark coloration and spotting. It's too early to know whether some will be black, but I expect deep burgundy colors, boldly spotted in nearly black!
3” pots $25

Mo. Painted Desert 'SVO' HCC/AOS

Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy'



SVO 11255
Cl. Rebecca Northen (Cl. rosea 'Collected' x Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS)

Cl. rosea 'Collected' exhibits good flower quality and blooms profusely in early winter on deciduous bulbs with 3-4 pendulous inflorescences per bulb, each carrying 15 or more soft pink flowers with frilly lips. Cl. Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) 'Live Oak' produces 15 fragrant pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from each leafless bulb in mid-winter.  These will quite possibly be the best Cl. Rebecca Northens ever produced. Flowers will be carried on multiple pendent inflorescences and will be frilly and pink with a marvelous citrus fragrance.
3” pots $20

Cl. rosea 'Collected'

Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS



SVO 11258        
Mo. Barnabas Collins (Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Morm. tapoayensis 'Deep Purple')

This is the exact remake of the spectacular Barnabas Collins.  Cl. Grace Dunn (Cl. rosea x Cl. warczewitzii) blooms in mid-winter on leafless plants with multiple pendent inflorescences each holding 15 or more pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips and a wonderful citrus fragrance. Morm. tapoayensis has a dark purple flower with darker spots in deep burgundy - the color is really unusual.  Mormodes are dominant for flower color, and we expect the flowers of the offspring to be darkly pigmented with some darker spotting. Plants will bloom with multiple pendulous inflorescences carrying 12-16 long-lasting flowers each.  The first time these were produced, Barnabas Collins 'SVO Dark Night' received a First Class Certificate, FCC/AOS. When awarded, the plant carried 117 flowers and buds on 7 inflorescences, all from a single pseudobulb!!! Here is a first bloom PHOTO of Barnabas Collins 'Select'.
3” pots $20

Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS

Morm. tapoayensis 'Deep Purple'



SVO 11260
Clo. Alexandra Savva  (Cl. Rebecca Northern 'Grapefruit Pink' x Ctsm. denticulatum 'Orange Lips')

This is one of the most charming Rebecca Northen hybrids. The flowers are light pink with a dense peppering of dark pink/red spots. Mature bulbs produce 2-3 pendulous inflorescences in winter, each carrying 20-30 long lived blooms in a nice 'foxtail' arrangement. If you like Rebecca Northen you will love these.  Here are some PHOTOPHOTO mature blooming plants.
3” pots $20

Cl. Rebecca Northern 'Grapefruit Pink'

Ctsm. denticulatum 'Orange Lips'



SVO 11261        
Mo. NEW HYBRID (Cl. Rebecca Northen 'Grapefruit Pink' x Morm. morenoi 'Red Stripes')

Mormodias (Mo.) are easy to grow and make great late season bloomers. Rebecca Northen 'Grapefruit Pink' produces 20 or more frilly, pink flowers on each of 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from leafless bulbs in mid-winter. Morm. morenoi has attractive red-striped flowers. This native of Bolivia has a small plant stature, standing 6-8” tall, and is rarely seen in cultivation. In this style of breeding the Mormodes will be dominant for color and the Clowesia for shape. Expect the offspring to be small plants - mini-Mormodias. Flowers will be red with dark red stripes, and plants will produce 2-3 inflorescence with 15+ flowers each. This is a super cool new direction in breeding.
3” pots $20

Cl. Rebecca Northen 'Grapefruit Pink'

Morm. morenoi 'Red Stripes'



SVO 11265        
Mo. Jumbo Doll (Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Morm. badia 'SVO Yellow')

This grex was registered years ago by Jumbo Orchids of Taiwan. The cross sounded great, but we did not have the opportunity to see any of them bloom, so we remade it! Cl. Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) 'Live Oak' produces 15 fragrant pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from each leafless bulb in mid-winter. Morm. badia is one of the easiest Mormodes species to grow and flower. Plants bloom with 2-3 inflorescences of 20 or more bright yellow flowers,  and the lips are broad and flat, not recurved and saddle shaped as in so many Mormodes. As in all hybrids of this type, the color of the Mormodes will dominate as will the shape of the Clowesia.  Of particular note is the use of a yellow Mormodes, and we expect this cross will deliver yellow Mormodia flowers, a new color for Mormodia!
3” pots $20

Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS

Morm. badia 'SVO Yellow'



SVO 11273
Mo. NEW HYBRID (Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Morm. revoluta 'SVO')

Cl. Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) 'Live Oak' produces 15 fragrant pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on each of 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from each leafless bulb in mid-winter. The revoluta has great color and stripes on the flowers formed by a series of coalesced spots. The progeny of this cross will take on the color from the Mormodes and shape from the Clowesia and have a high flower count. Expect multiple pendulous inflorescences from each bulb and long-lived blooms with a nice fragrance.  
3” pots $20

Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS

Morm. revoluta 'SVO'



SVO 11278
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy' x Ctsm. tigrinum 'SVO')

Ctsm. ivaneae is an amazing species! The small-growing plants flower with dense clusters of 40 perfectly arranged blooms that are truly spectacular. Ctsm. tigrinum is a very special species: it is small-growing and flowers several times a year with cascading inflorescences that each hold 20-30 white-cream blooms spotted lightly in red on the petals and sepals. Equally important are the shape and placement of its wide petals, which fill the space between the dorsal and lateral sepals, creating a full-shaped flower. This is a great characteristic, which is transmitted to its offspring, making for beautifully shaped flowers that are valuable in hybridizing, and exhibiting. This is such an exciting cross! Will they be like Dentigrianums but with many more flowers? I hope so!
3” pots $25

Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy'

Ctsm. tigrinum 'SVO'



SVO 11280
Ctsm. ivaneae (Ctsm. ivaneae 'Aceitunas Negras' x Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy')

This is an incredible new species - the photos tell the story. Very rare and VERY collectable. This is just the second time that seedlings of this species have been offered, and they will go quickly.
3” pots $30

Ctsm. ivaneae 'Aceitunas Negras'

Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy'



SVO 11282
Cl. rosea (Cl. rosea 'Andy' x Cl. rosea 'Collected')

This is a well-known but rarely available small-growing Clowesia species from the slopes facing the Pacific Ocean in the Mexican states of Michoacán and Oaxaca. This species flowers in early winter on deciduous leafless bulbs that produce 3-4 pendulous inflorescences carrying 15 or more soft pink flowers with cute frilly lips. Cl. rosea 'Collected' is truly an outstanding cultivar, and Cl. rosea 'Andy' is an excellent grower and reliable bloomer with remarkable plant vigor and floriferousness. This pairing will give the best quality flowers ever seen in this species. VERY LIMITED PLANT AVAILABILITY
3” pots $30

Cl. rosea 'Andy'

Cl. rosea 'Collected'



SVO 11283        
Ctsm. NEW HYBRID (Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS)

Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy' is an amazing plant! The dense clusters of 40 perfectly arranged flowers are truly spectacular. Ctsm. Orchidglade (Ctsm. pileatum x Ctsm. expansum) is a trusted breeding plant that has been proven many times over to impart important characteristics such as floriferousness, large, well-shaped, spotted flowers, and 2-3 bloomings a season. The results of this cross are highly anticipated. We expect 30+ well-arranged flowers that are densely spotted in burgundy from medium-sized plants that bloom several times a year. Breeding with Ctsm. ivaneae is in its infancy, and there is much to discover. This cross should reveal some of its potential.
3” pots $20

Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy'

Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS




All Images and web content Copyright © Sunset Valley Orchids (SVO)