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Plant Offerings
Miscellaneous Genera

SVO 10221      NEW
Renanthera Red Leopard (Ren. Poipu 'Hot Shot' x Ren. citrina 'Red Spots')

The parents of Poipu 'Hot Shot' are (Ren. Brookie Chandler x Ren. imschootiana).  Blooming in the spring with deep red flowers that last and last for months. This plant first started blooming when it was just 6” tall, it blooms reliably every year and is now just 10” tall. The citrina is a small plant just 8” or so tall at maturity, it is a profuse spring bloomer with long lasting flowers.   In this cross, expect long-lived flowers and small plant stature. These will also be easy to grow and flower!  This grex will do well indoors and well as outside.  The plants will enjoy winter lows of 60 and summer highs of 85, however 50-degree winter nights and 95 summer days will be well tolerated. Baskets are best or a clay pot with coarse bark media, water and fertilize more in summer and less in winter. 
3” pots $20

Ren. Poipu 'Hot Shot' Ren. citrina 'Red Spots'



10506t      NEW
Stanhopea tigrina  (Stan. tigrina var. nigroviolacea 'Predator' FCC/AOS x Stan. tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' AM/AOS)

This is our first offering of a Stanhopea!   We have selected two of the finest examples of this wonderful species. ‘Predator’ with its dark color and huge flower size and ‘Glory of Mexico’ you can see my hand in the photos, yes, the flower is that big over 7” across! The germinated protocorms have treated (t) with oryzalin to help induce higher ploidy, the ones that convert will be truly outstanding.  I believe this the first ever oryzalin treated seedlings offered of this species…. Once in a lifetime chance to up your game!
3” pots $30

Stan. tigrina var. nigroviolacea 'Predator' FCC/AOS Stan. tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' AM/AOS






10507      NEW
Stanhopea tigrina  (Stan. tigrina var. nigroviolacea 'Predator' FCC/AOS x Stan. tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' AM/AOS)

We have selected two of the finest examples of this wonderful species. ‘Predator’ with its dark color and ‘Glory of Mexico’, yes that’s my hand in the photos, the flower is over 7” across! These are in 3” pots but next spring they should be transferred to 5” hanging baskets. This is truly an exceptional paring with outstanding potential.
3” pots $25

Stan. tigrina var. nigroviolacea 'Predator' FCC/AOS Stan. tigrina 'Glory of Mexico' AM/AOS



SVO 9492  NEW and very cool!
Dimorphorchis Double Identity (proposed grex name) (Dimo. rossii 'SVO' x Dimo. lowii 'SVO')

This might be the coolest hybrid!   We know how Catasetum are sexually dimorphic with differently looking  male and female flowers.  Did you know that the genus Dimorphorchis has dimorphic flowers with two differently colored and shaped flowers on the same inflorescence?   The flowers are only  “dimorphic” indicating they are different looking but sexually perfect with both pollen and a stigmatic surface. The plants produce long cascading inflorescence where the first 2-3 flowers on the inflorescence have heavy substance are highly fragrant, in a bright mostly yellow color; the next flowers are spotted in red!  With this cross we believe is the first hybrid between these two making  it a first in the history of the world!   The proposed grex name is Dimo. Double Identity….. or should it be Dimo. Twice and Nice….or something darker, like Dimo. Two Faced…   We are expecting the plants to produce dimorphic flowers, and they are showing good hybrid vigor. These are in 4” pots now, but we think hanging baskets will be best suited for them as they mature.  This is “top of the awesome list” if you want to distinguish your collection, I am not sure how it can get better than this!?
4” pots $45

Dimo. rossii 'SVO' Dimo. lowii 'SVO'

Pescatoria New Hybrid (Pes. cerina 'Oceanside' x Pes. coronaria 'Andrea' AM/AOS)

With breeding in this genus just in its infancy, making primaries like this with top-quality parents is important. Pes. cerina tends to make reds and pinks, and here crossed with what must be the very best Pes. coronaria out there, we should get huge, round flowers with fantastic dark red color on big plants. Think big, showy, impressive flowers on big beautiful plants. Exciting!
3” pots $20

Pes. cerina 'Oceanside' Pes. coronaria 'Andrea' AM/AOS


SVO 9539  
Lyc. Birthday Girl (Lyc. campbellii 'Green Mite' AM/AOS x Lyc. brevispatha 'Costa Rica')
For a Lycaste, campbellii has an unusually well-rounded petal shape, with petals held in a nearly flat presentation.  This characteristic makes it a very attractive flower and should impart this fine quality to its offspring.  Lyc. brevispatha has a petal shape and presentation like campbellii, but not quite as pronounced.  Here we are expecting the petals to favor the rounded shape and flat presentation of the parents.  There will be 5-7 flowers produced per bulb in colors ranging from yellow to red, and some will be blushed red.  When mature, the multi-growth plants will develop into 'living bouquets' covering the growths with blooms: impressive!  These small-growing plants will be blooming in 3” pots and mature in 4” pots.  These are easy to grow! In summer, warm conditions, 65-75 nights and 75-90 days are perfect. Frequent watering is important. late spring and summer, keeping the media moist.  In fall and winter allow the media to dry out well between waterings.  The plants will drop the leaves off in late winter then flower with the beginning of the new growths in the spring.
3” pots $20 

Lyc. campbellii 'Green Mite' AM/AOS Lyc. brevispatha 'Costa Rica'

SVO 10140   
(Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM/AOS x Lyc. Suave 'Perfect Pixie')
The flowers of Corrimal (Lyc. aromatica x Lyc. macrophylla) 'Malcolm' can be simply stated as beautiful!  The plant is a prolific bloomer, producing 5-6 flowers per bulb.  Put all this together and you have a spectacular display!  Suave 'Perfect Pixie' (Lyc. suaveolens x Lyc. campbellii) is amazingly floriferous, with many flower spikes per bulb.  Thanks to the campbellii in its ancestry, petals are held in a flat presentation, making for a fuller-flower appearance. With this hybrid we are developing the idea of “small plants with lots of flowers”.  This new direction in breeding will give us flower colors in yellow blushed in red-burgundy.  Lots of flowers will be produced per bulb, creating pots filled with a bouquet of blooms.  The cross will produce plants that will stay small, bloom in 3-4” pots with the developing growth in spring.  These are easy to grow! In summer, warm conditions, 65-75 nights and 75-90 days are perfect. Frequent watering is important. late spring and summer, keeping the media moist.  In fall and winter allow the media to dry out well between waterings.  The plants will drop the leaves off in late winter then flower with the beginning of the new growths in the spring.
3” pots $20 

Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM/AOS Lyc. Suave 'Cutest'

SVO 10481  NEW
(Lyc. dowiana 'SVO Best' x Lyc. campbelii 'Green Mite' AM/AOS)

This hybrid appears to be unregistered by the Royal Horticultural Society… That's a little hard to believe!  The floral characteristics and plant habits of each parent are impressive, making of a lots of potential. Lyc. dowiana is a compact plant producing flowers continuously for 5-6 months, it really is in an impressive bloomer. The  Lyc. campbellii has an unusually well-rounded petal shape that are held in a nearly flat presentation making a very attractive flower and each mature bulb produced 5-7 flowers.  We are anticipating compact floriferous plants with high flower quality,  3-4 flowers per bulb and if the dowiana does when we hope it will you might just get 2 or 3 flowerings a season. How nice will that be?    Grow these as all the Lycaste listed.
3” pots   $20

Lyc. dowiana 'SVO Best' Lyc. campbelii 'Green Mite' AM/AOS



SVO 10784  NEW
(Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM/AOS x Lyc. dowiana 'SVO Prolific')

The flowers of Corrimal (Lyc. aromatica x Lyc. macrophylla) 'Malcolm' are beautiful!  The plant is a prolific bloomer, producing 5-6 flowers per bulb in spring. Lyc. dowiana is a compact plant producing flowers continuously for 5-6 months, it really in an impressive bloomer.    We are expecting some exceptionally nice bronze-colored flowers from this cross. Grow these as all the Lycaste listed.
3” pots   $20

Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM/AOS Lyc. dowiana 'SVO Prolific'



SVO 10902  NEW
Lycaste Belle Ribicoff
(Lyc. marcobulbon 'Rick Wells' x Lyc. Suave 'SVO')
Intense solid yellow from this pairing.  Expect 6-9 flowers per mature bulb!  plants will be very floriferous.   Lyc. marcobulbon produces many flowers per bulb. Suave (Lyc. suaveolens x Lyc. campbellii) is also amazingly floriferous, with many flower spikes per bulb.  Thanks to the campbellii in its ancestry, petals are held in a flat presentation, making for a fuller-flower appearance.  In the spring these will produce impressive bouquets of flowers from leafless plants with new leaves just starting to come up between the flowers. In summer, warm conditions, 65-75 nights and 75-90 days are perfect. Frequent watering is important. late spring and summer, keeping the media moist.  In fall and winter allow the potting media to dry out well between waterings and the plants will naturally drop their leaves in late winter.
3” pots   $20

Lyc. marcobulbon 'Rick Wells' Lyc. Suave 'SVO'



SVO 10903  NEW
(Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM/AOS x Lyc. Suave 'SVO')

The 'living bouquet' idea with many flowers from small plants is the plan here. The flowers of Corrimal (Lyc. aromatica x Lyc. macrophylla) 'Malcolm' are beautiful!  The plant is a prolific bloomer, producing 5-6 flowers per bulb in spring. Suave (Lyc. suaveolens x Lyc. campbellii) is amazing, with many flower spikes per bulb.  Excellent vigor from this cross. These small plants will produce impressive bouquets of flowers in the spring. In summer, warm conditions, 65-75 nights and 75-90 days are perfect. Frequent watering is important. late spring and summer, keeping the media moist.  In fall and winter allow the potting media to dry out well between waterings and the plants will naturally drop their leaves in late winter.
3” pots   $20

Lyc. Corrimal 'Malcolm' AM/AOS Lyc. Suave 'SVO'



SVO 11381  NEW
(Sud. jamesiorum 'Fancy Lip' x Lyc. dowiana 'SVO Shapely')

Ok….we are really liking this paring.  Check out the photo of the Sud. jamesiorum, how cool is that lip?!   Grow these as all the Lycaste listed.  These will be smaller compact plants, flowering in the spring, we are hoping for fimbriated white lips, white petals and bronze sepals, with 3-4 flowers per bulb.  This is just 'Super Cool'.
3” pots   $20

Sud. jamesiorum 'Fancy Lip' Lyc. dowiana 'SVO Shapely'



Vanda Alliance

Tet 439   NEW
(Vanda coerulescens x Holcoglossum subulifolium)

Another great Holcoglossum hybrid!  These will bloom with branching sprays of light blue flowers.  Some may be scented!
3” pots $20

Te 1215 
(Holcoglossum subulifolium x Phalaenopsis stuartiana)

This is sure to be a fascinating intergeneric Holconopsis cross.  Both species have branching sprays of white flowers.  When mature expect 2-3 branching spikes with a multitude of flowers!

4” pots $30

Te 1212 
(Holcoglossum subulifolium x Renanthera monachica)

Another great intergeneric cross!  R. monachica is a dwarf species that blooms with orange flowers with red dots.  Expect branching sprays of yellow to peach flowers, some with red spots!

4” pots $30

Te 070
(Holcoglossum subulifolium x Papilionanthe teres)

These should be medium to tall growers with terete leaves.  Expect flowers to be light pink.
4” pots $30



** Some pictures are representative of the cross and not actual parents.



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