Sunset Valley Orchids
Fred Clarke
1255 Navel Place
Vista, CA 92081

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To order: or call (760) 639-6255

Maidenwell Diatomite is primarily made up of the fossilized remains of fresh water diatoms laid down centuries ago on the continent of Australia.  There are many deposits of Diatomite in the world, including a large one in Lompoc, California.  Most Diatomite deposits, however, are from salt water diatoms and are not suitable for horticulture.  Today, Maidenwell Diatomite Australia Pty. Ltd. mines Diatomite in Queensland, Australia.  The freshly mined material is heated to 600 degrees Celsius, a temperature at which Diatomite particles aggregate.  The aggregates are broken up and graded into three uniform sizes:

Small:  1/16" - 1/4"

Medium:  1/4" - 5/8"

Large: 5/8" - 1"

Maidenwell Diatomite is high in silica, highly absorbent, free of weed seeds and pathogens, pH neutral, and inert (non organic).  Due to the inert nature of the material, decomposition does not occur.  This key property keeps Diatomite from compacting over time and maintains the porosity of the mix.  This attribute is vital for most orchid root systems.

At Sunset Valley Orchids we use diatomite in all our potting mixes:

For Cattleya, Australian Dendrobium, and Sarcochilus we use a mix of 50% Maidenwell diatomite and 50% Orchiata bark.

For Paphiopedilums, Phragmipedium, Zygopetalum, Catasetinae we use 40% Maidenwell diatomite and 60% Orchiata bark.

These mixes provide sufficient moisture holding capacity while maintaining excellent porosity.  For us, this combination has resulted in superior growth of roots and foliage.  Fertilization of plants grown in Diatomite based mixes is the same as with bark based mixes.

Coconut husks also work well in combination with Maidenwell diatomite. I have found that using a 50/50 ratio works well. The diatomite improves the mix by wicking away the extra moisture held in the coconut husks; this helps the mix in the pot dry more uniformly.

When using coconut husk chips the contained salts need to be leached out prior to use. Always use a triple 24 hour soak changing the water between each soaking.

A word of caution : although these mixes are 40-50% inert (non organic) and repotting may not be needed as frequently, it still is important not to over pot your plants.  The relationship of root mass to pot size is important to optimal plant growth.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding how I use Diatomite. or (760) 639-6255

Maidenwell Diatomite is priced at $25 per 40 liter bag (2 cu. ft.).

"Creating Superior Hybrids for the Orchid Enthusiasts"


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