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2014/15 Australian Dendrobium and Sarcochilus list

Australian Dendrobiums are bred with species that originate in Australia.  The Aussies have done an amazing job in the breeding of their native Dens and have made significant improvements; they are very popular in Australia. 

Here in the USA we rarely see the advanced hybrids for sale.  We do see D. kingianum, and anyone who grows it knows how robust they are.  The Aussie Dendrobiums are all very hardy.  They do well with hot summers (75-95 deg. days) and cool winters (40-55 deg. nights).  I have been trialing them all over the USA and have had customers report good successes in Florida, Virginia, New York, Michigan, Oklahoma, and California.  The flowers are fragrant and will fill the growing area with a wonderful aroma.  Most importantly they re-flower from the old pseudobulbs, which allows for an outstanding floral display. I have seen plants produce 12 inflorescences from a single bulb over a 5 year period; now THAT is a nice feature!  This re-flowering characteristic makes for plants that form beautiful specimens in a relatively short period of time.

Sunset Valley Orchids is the leading hybridizer of Aussie Dens in the USA.  We have been sourcing plant material for many years and have developed a superior collection of breeding stock.  This season we have been focused on breeding yellow flowers with red markings, a highly desirable color form.

Here is the first significant offering in the USA of what our friends in Australia have worked on so diligently.   Give them a try - we think that you'll be impressed!

SVO 5004 NEW
Den. Hilda Poxon (Den. Hilda Poxon 'SVO' x Den. Hilda Poxon 'SVO II' )

Hilda's have been around for a long time; they still command attention and are excellent growers and bloomers.  These are my two best Hilda's.  Look for green-yellow flowers with red markings to be produced 2-3 times a year.
4” pots

SVO 5044 NEW       
Den. inter-varietal (speciosum x pendunculatum) Herberton 'Thumbi' x Den. inter-varietal (speciosum x grandiflorum) 'Mick's Orange'

These will be producing big, bright yellow flowers on gracefully arching Inflorescences, the yellow color form are very popular with collectors.
4” pots

SVO 5267 NEW      
Den. Aussie Parade 'Carrot Splash' x Den. Hilda Poxon 'Spectacular'

Spidery stars of yellow and red which are very collectable; just wait until your friends see these bloom!   Expect 10-15 flowers per inflorescence, these will flower 2 or 3 times a year. Very nice.
4” pots

SVO 5268 NEW       
Den. Hilda's Heart (Den. Elegant Heart 'Spring Time' x Den. Hilda Poxon 'Spectacular' )

Elegant Heart is very popular with collectors for its color, large red lip, chunky flower size and ease of growth. This Hilda is really 'Spectacular' with large starry green flowers of superior form.  So I am expecting large chunky flowers with yellow background color, red-lavender overlay and spotting, all with good flower presentation too.
4” pots

SVO 5269 NEW      
(Den. Tosca x Den. Rutherford Starburst) 'Red Wine' x Den. Hilda Poxon 'Spectacular')

The 'Red Wine' has an amazing deep burgundy color and the plant is very free flowering, producing many inflorescences per growth. This Hilda is really 'Spectacular' with large starry green flowers of superior form.  This combination is an attempt to add yellow-green behind the deep burgundy of 'Red Wine', and to bring out near to solid red flowers.  Don't miss these as they have amazing potential.
4” pots

SVO 5290 NEW       
Den. Elegant Heart 'Spring Time' x Den. Warrior 'Jordan'

Elegant Heart is very popular with collectors for its color, large red lip, chunky flower size and ease of growth. Warrior is a show stopper with its star shaped bright yellow flowers and bold red markings.  Looking to add yellow to the base color and intensifying the red markings.
4” pots

SVO 5300 NEW      
Den. Regal Gillieston 'SVO' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

Regal Gillieston had a superb plant habit, beautiful light yellow flowers with a blush of red and a solid red lip. The 'Daylight Moon' is the best curvicaule available and it produces over 100 chunky light yellow flowers per inflorescence. This type of breeding makes for improved yellow and red flower color, it also improves stem length and bloom count. Although speciosum is in the immediate background it will not add much to the plant size as this is a recessive trait. 
4” pots

SVO 5305 NEW      
Den. Regal Gillieston 'SVO' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

Regal Gillieston has a superb plant habit, beautiful light yellow flowers with a blush of red and a solid red lip. The 'Daylight Moon' is the best curvicaule available, producing over 100 chunky light yellow flowers per inflorescence. This type of breeding makes for improved yellow and red flower color, good stem length and bloom count. Although speciosum is in the immediate background, it will not add much to the plant size, as this is a recessive trait.
4” pots

SVO 5306 NEW
(Den. Peewee x (Den. Yondi Glow x Den. Yondi Brolga)) 'SVO' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

This unregistered hybrid is getting pretty complicated….but click on the link to see the picture of the flowers. Very impressive in shape and color, it also has good flower production on a compact plant.  The 'Daylight Moon' is the best curvicaule and flowers with over 100 chunky light yellow blooms per inflorescence.  Remember, although speciosum is in the immediate background it will not add much to the plant size as this is a recessive trait.   Expect the color to come through and improved flower count and size.   Very nice
4” pots

SVO 5307 NEW
Den. Warrior 'Jordan' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

Warrior is a show stopper with its star shaped bright yellow flowers and bold red markings. The 'Daylight Moon' is as good as it gets with over 100 chunky light yellow blooms per inflorescence.  Remember, although speciosum is in the immediate background it will not add much to the plant size.   Expect the bright yellow flower color and red markings to come through from the Warrior and the 'Daylight Moon' to improve flower count and size.  Don't miss this one.
4” pots

SVO 5308 NEW
Den. Jannine Banks 'SVO' HCC/AOS x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

Jannine Banks has good light yellow flowers with bold red marking and a solid red lip; it is a vigorous grower and produces lots of inflorescences per bulb. The 'Daylight Moon' is as good as it gets with over 100 chunky light yellow blooms per inflorescence. These plants will be about 16” tall, a bit more than other crosses listed. This cross will have high flower count and improved shape and from the 'Daylight Moon' with the good coloring from Jannine Banks coming through.
4” pots

SVO 5309 NEW
Den. Jayden (Den. Elegant Heat 'Spring Time' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC)

Elegant Heart is very popular with collectors for its color, large red lip, chunky flower size and ease of growth. The 'Daylight Moon' is as good as it gets with over 100 chunky light yellow blooms per inflorescence.  Jayden plants when mature will be 16” tall and have lots of chunky yellow with lavender overlay. If you like Elegant Heart, this is the next level of improvement.  Very nice.
4” pots

SVO 5333 NEW
(Den. Class x Den. Star of Gold) 'SVO' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

This is a cross I am really looking forward to flowering.  It is as current as any Aussie Native breeding in Australia. The (Class x Star of Gold) is a rather large yellow flower with red markings on the edges of the segments and a white lip covered with fine red spots.  The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem, impressive!   I expect these to be good yellows with a few red markings, high flower count and chunky.  These are nice robust plants, ready for potting in to 4” pots. Really nice
4” pots

SVO 5655 NEW
Den. Royal Vista 'SVO 1' x Den. speciosum 'Windermere' HCC/AOC

Royal Vista (Beryl Wuth x Hilda Poxon) has a very large, purple flower with an almost white lip, which contrasts nicely.  Den. speciosum 'Windermere' is a well known breeder it allows the color to come thru from the other parent.  It has produced many successful hybrids.  Here we expecting large lavender flowers produced on long stems. 
4” pots

SVO 5658 NEW
Den. Regal Gillieston 'SVO' x Den. speciosum 'Windermere' HCC/AOC

Regal Gillieston has a superb plant habit, beautiful light yellow flowers with a blush of red and a solid red lip. The 'Windermere' is a time tested breeder which is recessive for its color thus allowing the great color of Regal Gillieston to prevail.  Although speciosum is in the immediate background, it will not add much to the plant size.   Expect the bright yellow flower color and red markings to come through from Regal Gillieston with improved flower count and size from the 'Windermere'. 
4” pots

SVO 5663 NEW
Den. Sunny Vista 'Monster' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Sunny Vista (Peewee x Yondi Tina) produces large brighter yellows with a purple blush originating from the influence of bigibbum.  The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem - very impressive!   I expect these to be good yellows with a faint red blushing, high flower count and chunky blooms.  This is a really nice cross and similar to SVO 5668.
4” pots

SVO 5664 NEW
Den. Golden Vista 'Big & Bold' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

This cross has excellent potential and is as current as any Aussie Native breeding in Australia. The Golden Vista (Class x Star of Gold) is a large yellow flower with heavy red markings on the edges of the segments and a lip covered with red spots.  The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem - quite impressive!   I expect these to be good yellows with a few red markings, high flower count and big chunky blooms.  This is a really nice cross!
4” pots

SVO 5667 NEW
Den. Blushing Vista 'SVO' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Blushing Vista (Gillieston Jazz x Rutherford Blushing Bride) has dark lavender flowers with some white at the base of the segments. It's a good grower and bloomer too. The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem - quite impressive!   I expect these to produce chunky blooms with high flower count and flower color ranging from lavender to soft yellows.
4” pots

SVO 5668 NEW
Den. Sunny Vista 'Sun Blast' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Sunny Vista (Peewee x Yondi Tina) produces large light yellows with a purple blush originating from the influence of bigibbum.  The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem - very impressive!   I expect these to be good yellows with a faint red blushing, high flower count and chunky blooms.  This is a really nice cross, similar to SVO 5663.
4” pots

SVO 5669 NEW
Den. Australian Artist (Den. Cobber 'Violet Gold' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC )

In August 2013 I attended the Melbourne Spectacular Orchid Show and saw many Australian Artists in bloom there. I was really pleased with how nicely they were flowering, with strong upright spikes, light yellow blooms and purple-red spotting.  They were really spectacular, making excellent display plants.  This is a proven cross with excellent qualities.  First to bloom picture
4” pots

SVO 5671 NEW
Den. Victorian Bride 'Genesis'x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Victorian Bride has a chunky flower with a white background color and dark purple markings. They are quite the attention getters! The Dunokayla is a special plant and has 20 plus chunky yellow flowers per stem. Here we are expecting flowers with a yellow base color and dark purple-red markings on top. These could be spectacular.
4” pots

SVO 5677 NEW
Den. Victorian Bride 'Genesis' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

Victorian Bride has a chunky flower with a white background color and dark purple markings. They are very showy blooms. 'Daylight Moon' is as good as it gets, with over 100 chunky light yellow blooms per inflorescence.  This grex will give great stems and flowers ranging in color, with many soft yellows and purple markings
4” pots

SVO 5678 NEW
Den. Cobber 'Violet Gold' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Cobber has been successfully used in a number of hybrids, and the Dunokayla has all the potential to produce a hybrid with 20 or more yellow flowers.  This pairing just may give us yellow flowers with dark purple-red markings. These are very promising.
4” pots

SVO 5690 NEW
Den. Warrior 'Jordan' x Den. speciosum 'Windermere' HCC/AOC

Warrior is a show stopper with its star shaped bright yellow flowers and bold red markings. The 'Windermere' is a time tested breeder, which is recessive for color, this will allow the brilliant color of the Warrior to come thru.  Remember, although speciosum is in the immediate background, it will not add much to the plant size.   Expect the bright yellow flower color and red markings to come through from the Warrior with improved flower count and size.  Don't miss this one.
4” pots


Australian Dendrobiums

SVO 5000
Den. Starbright Vista (Den. Avril's Gold 'Lou Anne' x Den. Hilda Poxon 'SVO')

This is the remake of an earlier very successful cross.  The flowers are excellent, with one receiving an AM/AOS award for a customer last year.  These are slower to mature but well worth the wait.  Graceful arching sprays of large yellow-green flowers with red marking on the margins of the segments.  Picture of first to bloom.
3” pots

SVO 5004
Den. Hilda Poxon (Den. Hilda Poxon 'SVO' x Den. Hilda Poxon 'SVO II')

Hilda's have been around for a long time; they still command attention and are excellent growers and bloomers.  These are my two best Hilda's.  Look for green-yellow flowers with red markings to be produced 2-3 times a year. Picture of the first to bloom, nice!
3” pots

SVO 5304
Den. Australian Artist (Den. Cobber 'Violet Gold' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC)

In August 2013 I attended the Melbourne Spectacular Orchid Show and after seeing all the Australian Artist in bloom there, I was really pleased on how nice they were flowering with strong upright spikes, light yellow blooms and purple-red spotting.  They were really spectacular, making excellent display plants.  This is a proven cross with excellent qualities.  These are nice robust plants, ready for potting in to 4” pots. First to bloom picture
3” pots

SVO 5305       
Den. Regal Gillieston 'SVO' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

Regal Gillieston has a superb plant habit, beautiful light yellow flowers with a blush of red and a solid red lip. The 'Daylight Moon' is the best curvicaule available, producing over 100 chunky light yellow flowers per inflorescence. This type of breeding makes for improved yellow and red flower color, good stem length and bloom count. Although speciosum is in the immediate background, it will not add much to the plant size, as this is a recessive trait.
3” pots

SVO 5333
Den. Golden Vista 'SVO' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

This is a cross I am really looking forward to flowering.  It is as current as any Aussie Native breeding in Australia. The Golden Vista (Class x Star of Gold) produces a rather large yellow flower with red markings on the edges of the segments and a white lip covered with fine red spots.  The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem. Impressive!   I expect these to be good yellows with a few red markings, high flower count and chunky form.  Really nice.
3” pots

SVO 5348
Den. kingianum 'High Clare' HCC/AOC x Den. kingianum 'Purple Star' CC/NZOC

These will be the desirable dark purple kingies everyone is looking for.  Both parents have the dark purple color, are vigorous growers, free flowering and don't keiki. These are also the smaller growing type, and mature plants will not exceed 8” tall.
A word about kingies that produce an abundance of keikis:  The keikis are easy to propagate and are often widely distributed among hobbyists. There's just one problem: they usually don't flower well….. do you have one like that?   This grex will flower well with dark flowers, shapely blooms, on compact plants.  Time to upgrade!   First to bloom plant, only 18 months from flask.
3” pots

SVO 5655
Den. Royal Vista 'SVO 1' x Den. speciosum 'Windermere' HCC/AOC

Royal Vista (Beryl Wuth x Hilda Poxon) has a large purple flower with an almost white lip, which contrasts nicely.  Den. speciosum 'Windermere' is a well known breeder it allows the color to come thru from the other parent.  It has produced many successful  hybrids.  Here we expecting large lavender flowers produced on long stems. 
3” pots

SVO 5658
Den. Regal Gillieston 'SVO' x Den. speciosum 'Windermere' HCC/AOC

Regal Gillieston has a superb plant habit, beautiful light yellow flowers with a blush of red and a solid red lip. The 'Windermere' is a time tested breeder which is recessive for its color thus allowing the great color of Regal Gillieston to prevail.  Although speciosum is in the immediate background, it will not add much to the plant size.   Expect the bright yellow flower color and red markings to come through from Regal Gillieston with improved flower count and size from the 'Windermere'. 
3” pots

SVO 5664
Den. Golden Vista 'Big & Bold' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

This cross has excellent potential and is as current as any Aussie Native breeding in Australia. The Golden Vista (Class x Star of Gold) is a large yellow flower with heavy red markings on the edges of the segments and a lip covered with red spots.  The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem - quite impressive!   I expect these to be good yellows with a few red markings, high flower count and big chunky blooms.  This is a really nice cross!
3” pots

SVO 5667
Den. Blushing Vista 'SVO' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Blushing Vista (Gillieston Jazz x Rutherford Blushing Bride) has dark lavender flowers with some white at the base of the segments. It's a good grower and bloomer too. The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem - quite impressive!   I expect these to produce chunky blooms with high flower count and flower color ranging from lavender to soft yellows.
3” pots

SVO 5668
Den. Sunny Vista 'Sun Blast' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Sunny Vista (Peewee x Yondi Tina) produces large light yellows with a purple blush originating from the influence of bigibbum.  The Dunokayla produces solid yellow chunky flowers with 20 or more blooms per stem - very impressive!   I expect these to be good yellows with a faint red blushing, high flower count and chunky blooms.  This is a really nice cross and similar to SVO 5663.
3” pots

SVO 5669
Den. Australian Artist (Den. Cobber 'Violet Gold' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC)

In August 2013 I attended the Melbourne Spectacular Orchid Show and saw many Australian Artists in bloom there. I was really pleased with how nicely they were flowering, with strong upright spikes, light yellow blooms and purple-red spotting.  They were really spectacular, making excellent display plants.  This is a proven cross with excellent qualities.  First to bloom picture
3” pots

SVO 5671
Den. Victorian Bride 'Genesis' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Victorian Bride has a chunky flower with a white background color and dark purple markings. They are quite the attention getters! The Dunokayla is a special plant and has 20 plus chunky yellow flowers per stem. Here we are expecting flowers with a yellow base color and dark purple-red markings on top. These could be spectacular.
3” pots

SVO 5677
Den. Victorian Bride 'Genesis' x Den. speciosum v. curvicaule 'Daylight Moon' FCC/AOC

Victorian Bride has a chunky flower with a white background color and dark purple markings. They are very showy blooms. 'Daylight Moon' is as good as it gets, with over 100 chunky light yellow blooms per inflorescence.  This grex will give great stems and flowers ranging in color, with many soft yellows and purple markings
3” pots

SVO 5678
Den. Cobber 'Violet Gold' x Den. Dunokayla 'Tuyet' AM/AOS

Cobber has been successfully used in a number of hybrids, and the Dunokayla has all the potential to produce a hybrid with 20 or more yellow flowers.  This pairing just may give us yellow flowers with dark purple-red markings. These are very promising.
3” pots


Sunset Valley Orchids 2014-15 Sarcochilus list

Sarcochilus are native to Australia and have been grown there for many years; occasionally we see a few plants here is the USA, they generally are the old fashion type with white flowers and a red spot in the center.  With my visits to Australia sourcing Aussie Dendrobiums, I came across several Sarcochilus breeders who are doing a magnificent job breeding for “high color” Sarcochilus.  Their efforts are focused on developing flower colors in:  pinks, reds, yellows, salmon, and purples.  I have carefully selected these hybrids that appear to be most promising with good color, quick to bloom, compact plants, and charming aspect.   This is the first significant offering in the USA of the “modern high color” Sarcochilus breeding from Australia.  

Here are the basic requirements for moisture, temperature and light needed for good culture. Sarcochilus need to be watered in a way to keep the medium slightly moist.  They don’t have pseudobulbs to store water so it’s the leaves and roots that are responsible for this function.  I water them every 2-3 days in summer and once a week in winter.  Sarcochilus need a well drained potting medium as watering will be frequent; I have found medium orchid bark to be ideal. The summer temperatures should range from 75-85 degrees during the day and 60-70 degrees at night with winter temperatures from 60-75 degree days and 45-55 degree nights. The plants prefer light levels of 1500 to 2000 foot candles (fc).  In hot humid conditions the plants benefit from increased shading, air movement and watering, as this helps keep the foliage cool.

Sarcochilus generally flower in late April and early May; I am always reminded that Mother’s day is not far off when I see the first blooms.    


SVO 5479
Sarc. Fiery Glow 'Red Gem' x Sarc. (Sweetheart x Fitzhart) 'Spectacular' 

Ok, so I did make one Sarcochilus hybrid for this year.  I just could not resist!  Both of these are considered the best Sarcs. in my collection.  The Firey Glow (Bernice Klein x Zoe) is just fantastic. It’s amazing red color with darker red blotches and beautiful shape is truly exceptional.  The other parent is equally nice with amazing color and shape.  The cross is also showing excellent plant vigor.
3” pots

Sarc. Bunyip 'Pale Pink'   x Sarc. Elegance 'Petite'

With Bunyip as a parent we always see an improvement in flower quality. Elegance has been the main building block in pink tone breeding, bringing great vigor and multiple spiking to it hybrids. Nice pink throughout segments, a few with red centers, good shape from this pairing.
3” pots

Sarc. Bunyip 'Salmon'  x Sarc. Elegance 'Wow'

With Bunyip as a parent we always see an improvement in flower quality and Elegance is an excellent breeder. Soft pinks will be produced here with a few having red centers and good shape.
3” pots

Sarc. hartmannii 'Gold Drop' x Sarc. hartmannii 'Gold Spot'

We call these poached eggs! Golden yellow centers surrounded in white, and do they stand out from the crowd. These line bred species show outstanding growth rates and mature early, flowering as young plants. Both parents have well-presented flowers with full shape, ensuring a top result from this cross.
3” pot

Sarc. Kulnura Dazzel 'Big Purple' x Sarc. Fiery Glow 'Purple Star'

Fiery Glow brings the advantage of longer, more floriferous spikes. Here we see it in combination with the prolifically spiking Kulnura Dazzel. These will be purple spotted over a white background. Some will be solid purple and very attractive.
3” pot

Sarc. Bunyip 'PRC' x Sarc. Kulnura Dew Drop 'Red n Pink'

This color combination is one of my favorites. The flowers have softer pink on the outer ends of the segments with deep red/pink in the center. With Bunyip as a parent we always see an improvement in flower quality, and this cross should be no exception. There will be award quality flowers from this mating.
3” pot

Sarc. Zoe 'Splash Out' x Sarc. Kulnura Dazzel 'Clear Spots'

Zoe is one of the older parents, but it provides its offspring with vigor of growth. It is important when breeding to emphasize ease of growth, and this parent accomplishes that well. It also brings a multi spiking habit to its hybrids. With Kulnura Dazzel, we are looking at productive, open-shaped flowers in the "spots and pattern" color grouping, and this parent also will favor more upright spikes.
3” pot

Sarc. Elegance 'Petite' x Sarc. Bunyip 'Salmon'

Elegance has been the main building block in pink tone breeding, bringing great vigor and multiple spiking to it hybrids. Combined with Bunyip, I am expecting very attractive softer pinks. These are very vigorous growing plants.
3” pot

Sarc. Kulnura Firemist (Sarc. Bunyip 'Big Edge'  x Sarc. Zoe 'Pink Edge')

The original cross of Kulnura Firemist was made for patterning, but this remake is aimed toward segments with red edging. This is a very attractive and desirable combination, but will only be present in a small percentage of the progeny. The plants will be very vigorous growers and will flower profusely.
3” pot

Sarc. Rebecca 'Crimson Gem' x Sarc. Kulnura Intensity 'Crimson Velvet'

Sensationally intense reds! Both parents have an upright spike habit and show multi spike potential. Rebecca also carries albino genes, but I am not expecting those to be expressed here. Finer foliage will be present in this hybrid.
3” pot

Sarc. Rosella 'Multi' x Sarc. Kulnura Intensity 'Mottle Base'

The red lines that have been developed recently show much improved vigor. This cross is no exception. Deep reds with a hint of darker mottling around the column.
3” pot

Sarc. Heidi 'Early' x Sarc. Zoe 'SB'

Most Sarcs flower in the late spring, missing many of the bigger shows. One breeding objective is to bring the flowering period forward. There are two ways of doing this. One is to introduce some of the smaller species, which are difficult to grow. The other is to use early-flowering hartmannii. This Heidi flowers in early to mid-spring and should confer that timing to its offspring. In this first generation I expect mostly white flowers, but a few will have some red to pink color.  It will be nice to see Sarcochilus blooming in late March and early April.
3” pot

Sarc. Kulnura Dazzel 'Clear Dots' x Sarc. Kulnura Dazzel 'Sarah'

The Kulnura Dazzel cross has been one of our most successful matings in the intense purple to bold spotting range. While they don’t have the spike length of some other hybrids, they are extremely free flowering and have straight upright spikes. This cross is focused toward boldly spotted flowers. Expect a high percentage of spots, with some solid purple tones.
3” pot

Sarc. Galaxy 'Ray' x Sarc. hartmannii 'Gold Spot' 

This cross brings the two yellow styles together. Galaxy has the creamy yellow with red flecks in the segments while the hartmannii has albino yellow center.  The result will be creamy yellows with varying degrees of light red in the segments however a few will be soft yellows though out. When mature these plants will produce flowers throughout the year as well as main flowering in spring.
3” pots

B111  NEW
Sarc. (Kulnura Ripple x Kulnura Dazzel) x Sarc. (Krumba x Kulnura Vibrance)
Top red Sarc. breeding, so far all have flowered solid red.  These are fantastic! Check out this first to bloom Pic
3” pots

B127 NEW
Sarc. (Elegance ‘Super’ x Bonanza ‘Big Pat’)
Great patterning of spots, excellent growth habit and well sized flowers. One of the first to flower Pic
3” pots

B155  NEW
Sarc. (Cherie Snow ‘Dark Pink’ x Sweetheart ‘Speckles’)

Dark pinks centers with clean white borders, excellent shape. First to bloom from the cross Pic
3” pots

B191  NEW
Sarc. (Bonanza ‘Big Pat’ x Sweetheart ‘Speckles’)

Dark pinks many will be a solid pink, excellent growth habit. One of the first to flower from the cross Pic
3” pots




All Images and web content Copyright © Sunset Valley Orchids (SVO)